Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A little movie for Cochlear

Cochlear Limited asked me for a quick video to show the Cochlear shareholders at the 2014 AGM in Sydney, Australia. This is what I sent them:

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


I asked my son today to turn the sound down on his gaming console. His reply? "Can't you just turn your ears off instead?". Well ……………… I suppose I could ……………….

Friday, 3 October 2014

Cochlear Annual Report 2014

The Cochlear Annual Report for 2014 has been published and guess who is in it? You'll never guess. I'll give you a clue ……………… someone with a cohlear implant ………………… too hard? It's me!

They didn't photoshop my wrinkles out but Woman's Weekly would describe that as being "natural and embracing my age". Here is the link to my wrinkles: http://www.cochlear.com