Thursday, 27 October 2011

Staples Out!

Today is six days post-surgery and I had the staples taken out and my wound cleaned up a bit. I had ten staples all together and it was not pleasant having them out but it was over and done with quickly.
The best part of the day? Having a shower and washing my hair! I hadn't washed it for six days (since the morning of my surgery) and it was so nice to have a good head scrub. I'm sure there were small animals living in there.
There is still some minor pain in the ear and the wound site is a bit tender. My surgeon had to cut my jaw muscle to get to my cochlear so my jaw hurts a bit and I can't open my mouth very wide. This should improve over time.
I told my youngest son that I had ten stitches taken out of my head today and he turned around and said "can you hear me now?". Broke my heart to say no. He has started using my iphone to type me messages when we are out (using the Notes app that comes installed on the phone).

My surgeon has told me to resume all normal daily activities such as exercising, driving, etc, but no bungee jumping. Oh well.

                                                     I'm calling this look "Punky Mother".