Friday, 11 November 2011

Three Days On

It's now three days since I got switched on. I've been wearing the processor as often as I can to expose my brain to sound. I take it off last thing at night and put it on first thing in the morning.
Voices are sounding more clearer now but they are still robotic and high pitched. My husband sounds cute with his little squeaky voice.

 I can hear things like the kettle boiling, the toilet flush and people talking in the next room. I don't know what they are saying but I know they are talking.
I made a phone call to my mum last night. I used my mobile and the audio cable that comes with the CI. I could hear what my mum was saying as long as she spoke slowly and clearly.
I can listen to the radio now too. I can recognise songs and can hear the words clearly. I really missed music so this is very exciting.