Wednesday, 16 May 2012

It really needs to said

I've said before, and I will say it again, it's exhausting being deaf. I guess it would be OK if I was at home most of the time but I'm rarely home. If I'm not at work I'm running the kids around to sports and school events and if I'm not doing that I'm socializing or running errands and attending appointments. I fully understand why deaf people prefer to stay home, it's so much easier! It's amazing how much verbal communication goes on in a single day especially with a family and a job in education. Between the two I would spend almost eighty per cent of my time listening and talking. Before I had the CI, that percentage would be ten. All that listening and responding takes enormous effort and it leaves me completely drained by the end of the day. Having said that, all that listening and responding allows me to lead a perfectly normal life and unless people know me, most have no idea that under the hair is an electronic device that gives a totally deaf person the gift of hearing.