I attended a PD workshop for work today. Around 10am we had morning tea so I dashed off to the toilets and went to the table with the coffee and got myself a drink. I then spied a jar of biscuits and thinking that morning tea was a bit light on, starting shoving cheap biscuits in my mouth (please don't mention this to my personal trainer). Anyway, I'm on my fourth biscuit, wondering where everyone was and one of the organisers comes towards me and asks me if I'd like to make my way to the conference room where morning tea is being served. "Fank you", I splutter through biscuit crumbs trying not to show on my face how stupid I felt. Well, I go to the conference room, where all the other participants are, obviously having heard the morning tea instructions, and spy platters of muffins, fruit and cake. Damn, I'm full of cheap biscuits. To hide the fact I force down the banana bread slice vowing that I wouldn't eat much lunch.
Lunch time comes around and I'm on the ball. I make a sprint for the conference room feeling smug that I have first dibs on the spread. I see platters of yummy little sandwiches and inspect a few to see if they are vegetarian. Happy munching away with a mouth full of salad and bread, the organiser lady comes up to me and says "are you the vegetarian, we have your lunch here" as she hands me a plate of sandwiches that I can no longer fit in my bulging stomach. Sigh. I force down my special order and roll back to the workshop.
Afternoon tea comes around quickly. Down in the conference room they have plates of gourmet biscuits with chocolate and fresh fruit. Oh, what the hell, a few more biscuits won't hurt.
What was the workshop about? No idea, couldn't hear it, but the food was good.