Thursday, 16 August 2012

Back with the little ones

Today I had my first day back teaching in the primary classroom since going deaf. I finally bit the bullet and thought that after a year out of the classroom I had to find out if it was something I could still do. I must admit, I cheated a bit as I taught a small group of children with autism who are mostly non-verbal. This makes it easier as I don't have to work out what they are trying to say all the time. Mostly, they sign or use other forms of non-verbal communication which suits me fine. Also, as the teacher, I do most of the talking. I work with three education assistants (wonderful amazing people) that hear things when I don't and being wonderful and amazing they act on whatever it is without a fuss.
So, all in all, I had a great day and can't wait to get back in the classroom again soon. Phew, that's another thing crossed off the list ................................