This is my day:
6.30am: still asleep, dreaming of hundreds of paparazzi taking my photograph.
6.31am: wake up and realise that the paparazzi dream is actually my iPhone flashing to wake me up. Press snooze on phone and go back to sleep.
6.45am: wake up again, disappointed that I'm not a celebrity. Check who is in bed with me. I don't hear people coming or going so it could be any one of my family members, or none, or the dog.
6.46am: reach over and grab iPhone from bedside table and check emails and messages. Have silent (from my end anyway) conversations with family members wandering in and out of my bedroom.
6.47am: annoyed family members grab my cochlear implant, hook up the battery and hold it out for me to put on. Sound kicks in and I have to officially start my day.
6.50am: take CI off again and have shower. CI stays off for half an hour while I have wet hair which means family members generally leave me alone to get ready for work (yay!).
7.45am: sit down to eat breakfast and read paper. Turn off CI so I can read newspaper in silence (bliss!).
8.10am: turn CI back on and leave the house for work.
8.30am - 4.30pm: work, with the ability to turn off CI when the office gets too noisy to concentrate. I hang it over my computer screen so everyone knows "Jane's switched off".
5.00pm - 8.30pm: general evening activities, dinner, cleaning, ironing, homework, read a story to the kids and put them to bed.
8.30pm - 9.30pm: studying or internet time with CI switched off so I can concentrate. Charge flat CI batteries in charger.
10.00pm: take battery off CI, put CI in drying machine (to suck moisture out of it) and go to sleep. Generally sleep through EVERYTHING, including storms, street parties, noisy neighbours, dogs barking, rain, loud cars, snoring ....................... dream I am a celebrity surrounded by paparazzi .........