Friday, 10 May 2013

Ear Science Institute of Australia Charity Night Speech

What an awesome night! Last night I attended and gave a speech for the Ear Science Institute of Australia in Western Australia who raised over half a million dollars (AUS) - amazing! I was one of the guest speakers and told my story of going deaf and getting a cochlear implant. Both my parents were there, as was Steve, and I managed to get through my speech without too many stumbles.

Attending the event (not just to hear me speak but let's go with that anyway......), was the Chief Scientist of WA Professor Lyn Beazley, the Governor of WA Malcolm McCusker and his gorgeous wife Tonya, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Australian Parliament) Julie Bishop and of course the lovely Professor Marcus Atlas who "created" the Ear Science Institute. I sat next to the very entertaining Shaun Hand who is the General Manager of Cochlear Limited Australia/New Zealand who donated $100,000 (AUS) to the charity night  :)

The beautiful setting just before everyone was seated