Thursday, 5 December 2013

Recovery, recovery, recovery

This is a very slow recovery from the implant surgery for me. My head is finally starting to clear but I've still got sharp pains in the ear and I feel soooooooo tired. I regret going into the surgery stressed and tired (I was so tired I was looking forward to the actual surgery so I could sleep for three hours while they operated!). I've also found it difficult resting at home with the two kids and all the demands that come with them, especially at Christmas time.

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment followed by a Christmas lunch with work. I got home at 3.00pm in the afternoon, went to bed, and couldn't get up until later that evening. I just couldn't move. So for the next few days I'm going to have to stay home and rest as much as possible (as much as possible over a weekend with sport for the kids and a birthday party for my husband!!!).

My staples are out though which is good (see photo below), and the swelling has gone down a bit. I'm healing, just slowly.