Now that I've had my cochlear implant for a while, I honestly find it difficult to function without it. I actually find it difficult to think ...... is that strange? Take today for example. I turned off my ear as the house was a little noisy and I was trying to read. Then I got up and started pottering around the house and even though I've lived in the same house for fifteen years I fell down a step. Yes, we have one step in the house and I fell down it, one step, fell down, ONE STEP! I fell hard too, right on my hip which is now causing me to walk with a limp. As soon as it happened I felt the pain shooting through my hip and leg and my first instinct was to turn on my implant so I could deal with the situation.
It's happened before too where I just don't seem to able to think straight without hearing - this makes me a very confused little deaf person but at the same time relieved that I do have the option to hear (with the implant) and therefore get my thoughts together.