I've discovered a huge secret. Deaf people the world over have been keeping this secret for centries but I feel it is time for hearing people to know the truth. Here it is ................
Sometimes, when you talk, we can understand you. Sometimes, we can't. Doesn't matter. I have recently dicovered and put into practice the ancient art of copying your facial expressions and even if I don't have a clue what you're on about I'll smile when you do, laugh when you do, frown when you do and nod when you do. This indicates to you that I totally agree and understand what you're saying and you keep talking, encouraged. This makes me a great listener!
It works really well with children and repeating the last word said every now and then just adds to the allusion.
It is also very effective at shows, concerts, assemblies, presentations etc where there is a large group of people. I'll laugh when everyone else does (no idea what's so funny but you seem to think it is) and I'll clap when everyone claps. Works a treat.
I've even tried it during a one-on-one converstaion at work. I got about half the conversation (wearing the CI) but by mirroring everything the other person did they assumed I was with them 100%.
Shhh, don't tell ........