Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Whispers in the Dark

Today I took the kids to a movie at the cinema. I haven't got around to my intended lobby of the cinema industry to include special screenings of movies with text but it's on my to do list. Anyway, it went surprisingly well as I found I could follow the movie fairly well and could understand most of the dialogue. The hard part was when my youngest tried talking to me half way through the movie. He whispered in my processor (the word processor doesn't sound as romantic as ear, he whispered sweet nothings in my processor .........). I digress, Ayden whispered in my processor and I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Trouble is, you can't really talk any louder than a whisper in a movie and as I discovered today, I can't hear whispers. There was no other option than for him to wait until the movie was finished or think of some other way to communicate to me what he wanted. Thankfully, he wasn't trying to tell me that he needed to go to the toilet!
After the movie we went to an electronics store to pick up a game remote. These stores are always noisy and at the counter I couldn't hear what the guy was saying to me. I noticed that I've developed a habit of looking at a family member when someone speaks to me and I don't hear them.  Either my family will interpret and tell me what the other person has said or they answer for me. I don't mind either option, I'm just grateful that I have a back-up!