Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bored Room Meetings

I attended a four hour boardroom meeting yesterday on audit compliance. I know, you're feeling sorry for me, four hours on audit compliance is enough to bore anyone! That wasn't the issue though, think from the perspective of a deaf person on this one. The board table was full, that's 18 people, all talking at rapid speed about complex concepts and then, get this, someone brings in a fan and plugs it in right behind me! I think they did this, not to cool everyone down, but to make the situation just that littlest bit harder for me. Honestly, four hours of listening effort left me totally exhausted. My tinnitus hit the roof, I had a headache and I couldn't wait to get out of there, remove my CI and take a deep breath. OK, then I followed it up with chocolate, that always works :)