I'm still thinking about getting a second cochlear implant ............. or not. I'm getting really tired of listening lately. I've kept up the "everything is fine" thing for nearly two years now but really, every day is dominated by my hearing status. I'm just exhausted and I'm wondering if it would all be easier, and less effort if I had another implant to balance it all out.
I've had a look at the pros and cons and honestly, there doesn't seem to be many cons. If it doesn't work then I haven't lost anything have I? My "other" ear has 0% hearing so even if the second implant only gives me 5% more hearing on that side I've gained something.
Medically speaking, I only need a month off work to recover etc and then of course I have to see my audi on a regular basis for tune-ups, but that's fine. I'm a fit healthy person so there are limited risks on the operating table, I have an excellent surgeon who is well respected in his field, I have a great family who will make sure I have everything I need to recover quickly and a wonderful audi with years of experience.
I'm thinking about it as a second baby. The first time was hard but I know what to expect the second time around!