Thursday 16 April 2015

Sorry for the Silence

Ok, I've been a little slack on the blog front. Life caught up with me and I had to have a little rest (except that I didn't but oh well).

So the latest in deaf/cochlear implant news is that I'm having a bit of trouble with the noise in my new work office. Each office has it's own air-conditioning unit and the one in my new office is very noisy. This drives me and my cochlear insane. Now I know you're suggesting that I turn the air-conditioning off, and I would do that, except there are some people in the office who feel the heat a bit more than I do so it stays on most of the day........... slowing driving me crazy with the constant buzzing (remember through a cochlear implant the sound is a bit electronic so buzzing is really annoying).

Finally I couldn't handle it anymore so I said something. Now don't get me wrong, my work team are great and we are working on a solution but at one point it was suggested that I just turn my ear off. Let's think about that for a minute. If I suggested the hot people take their shirt off isn't that the same thing? Why is it okay to ask me to remove my cochlear implant? How would people feel if they were asked to remove their glasses because it annoyed others, or how about a person in a wheelchair being asked to leave it outside so it doesn't take up too much room in the office? At first I wasn't offended when they asked me to turn my ear off ( I said no however) but the more I think about it the more I realise how rude it was. If it comes up again I'm going to tell them to take their shirt off and watch for the reaction.